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Praise the Lord, Minister KoHsin. I am Pastor Dennis from Kenya 🇰🇪. I worked as a community health worker with many living with HIV/AIDS. I am so happy to have received your testimony in Swahili. I printed it and read it out loud to my group, family, and friends. They were so encouraged by your story. Thank you for your hard work in reaching my people in Kenya.

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Pastor Dennis (Kenya)

On September 13th, I accompanied female missionary KoHsin to Taoyuan Women's Prison to share her life story. She testified that God's love not only cured her of AIDS but also blessed her with a healthy daughter. This deeply touched all the inmates present. That day, more than a hundred prisoners were willing to believe in Jesus and accept Him as the Lord of their lives!

The scene was truly shocking, and all glory goes to Abba, Father God!

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Sister Lin Meiqi (Taiwan)

I am a Kenyan lady who has been through severe hardship and depression. I contracted HIV from my partner. I had been living without peace until I heard KoHsin preach about the power of forgiveness and was prayed for. After attending the healing meeting that day, I decided to forgive my husband and learn forgiveness. That day, the Spirit of the Lord set me free! Thank you, Evangelist KoHsin, for her courage and preaching.

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The Power of Testimony (Malawi)
Ms Alinafe Maso (Malawi)

Dear KoHsin, after the meeting we did together, God helped me print out 30 copies of your testimony and distribute them to the people of Kakamega town who received healing through the Holy Spirit.

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Pastor Steven (Kenya)

In September 2023, I accompanied Missionary KoHsin to a rehabilitation center for people living with HIV, contracted through needle drug use. KoHsin, fearless and courageous, shared her faith and prayed for the Taiwanese individuals struggling with addiction and in need of hope.

I admire KoHsin's unwavering passion. She humbly serves with Operation Dawn ministry, bringing God's love and prayers to those in the rehabilitation center.

KoHsin's understanding of the discrimination faced by HIV-positive individuals in Taiwan is commendable. Her courage and boldness in coming forward and sharing her story are inspiring. Working with her this week, I was deeply touched by her energy and passion. Her faith has strengthened mine, and thanks to KoHsin, I have experienced Jesus anew.

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Operation Dawn Ministry (Taiwan)

I witnessed Missionary KoHsin sharing her gospel and listening to her healing testimony. I was deeply moved by her openness and honesty as she shared her life story and spoke boldly about the healing she received from Jesus. I am truly amazed and grateful to Jesus Christ for her incredible transformation. Her journey was not easy, but the Lord has brought her back to life. She has shared her testimony with many in our Chinese church, and I pray that the Lord will continue to guide KoHsin and use her ministry to reach nations.

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Sister Jean (Hong Kong)

I personally witnessed Evangelist Kohsin in person. Her strong faith and passion inspired many Kenyans to receive Jesus and find encouragement through her healing testimony.

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Stephen Mutuli (Kenya)
Stephen Mutuli

Missionary KoHsin is my oldest friend. I thank God that He saved you, awakened you, and healed you. Today, I witnessed you on our church stage preaching and witnessing the Lord's healing over you and the salvation you stand on.
Not only am I encouraged, but I am deeply touched by the miracle God performed in your life. It's as if I'm seeing my friend come back to life from the dead! You have even become a brave soldier for Christ! I see the Lord's work in you and using you powerfully.

May He continue to use you for the good work He has prepared for you. I believe your testimony will touch thousands, and you are a blessing.

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Brother Jun Yuan (Taiwan)

KoHsin, your sharing and honesty about your traumatic experiences with rape and contracting the HIV virus, and your journey of forgiveness, inspire me greatly. The Lord has truly done a mighty work in you. I met you in Taiwan and recognized the Lord's use of you for gospel purposes.

I am determined to share your healing testimony with many people in our community who are HIV-positive, especially those in my ministry who reach out to the homosexual community. I believe your story will resonate with this group and bring them hope and light.

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Pastor Li Zhenni (Taiwan)

I first met KoHsin at a Pentecost celebration service at Mow Cop Primitive Methodist Church, led by Reverend Yan-Yan Case. Her passion for Jesus and her gratitude for all the Lord has done for her in her life were magnetic and inspiring. Despite experiencing much darkness, despair, and pain, this woman is now a true shining light of hope and truth because of her genuine encounter with the life-changing Savior, Jesus Christ. Her relationship with Jesus is evident to all. May the Lord bless her and keep her in all her ways as she proclaims the gospel and wins souls for Him. ‘For such a time as this.’

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Sister Nadine from England

I have been in contact with Evangelist KoHsin Illingworth for quite a while now via FaceBook. Through her posts I have been acquainted not only with her but of her husband, daughter, family, and friends.


From what I've seen and read about her, I find her to be fully dedicated to Jesus Christ and Christianity. She has given her own personal testimony of her own journey of her life, good, bad and ugly. Yet she is a fighter and determined to bring the good news of Jesus to all who have ears and even those who are unwilling to accept the doctrine.


But, glory to God, KoHsin is a praying woman who has seen doors opened where they were non-existent; she has seen how truly mighty our God is! Where there seemingly is no way, He makes a way! We keep in contact via Facebook. But she is very busy with her Calling, books, fund-raising and ordinary duties of a wife, mother and friend to many.


I cheer her on with her steadfast dedication to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, especially in the knowledge that once He was hated and brutally beaten and finally killed. But we know that His Father caused his to rise and be at the Father's right hand. DEATH HAS BEEN DEFEATED!


I predict that the Father will be opening more doors for her to being the Truth to those who thirst for knowledge of Christianity and its rewards. Keep up the good fight, KoHsin .

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Stephenie Framilla (USA)

KoHsin is a remarkable young lady to say the least. She has overcome so much in her lifetime and the Lord has blessed her with a powerful ministry in word, prayer and action.


I met KoHsin briefly just over a year ago when she came to preach and share her testimony at my church. Sadly, I didn’t hear the message as I was teaching in Sunday school that day. I felt compelled to contact her later via Facebook and I'm so glad I did.


I have now met KoHsin a few times and I am so encouraged to see her drive, passion and enthusiasm for the Lord. She has received both physical and spiritual healing and she is such a blessing to those around her. I know that there is so much more to come, praise God.


I thank God for putting this wonderful young lady in my life and for the wonderful conversations we have. She is a true blessing to me and to whoever she meets.


May the Lord bless you KoHsin and give you His peace always.

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Pastor John from Liverpool

I was diagnosed with HIV in 2021 after a long illness from TB and other opportunistic conditions. I was weak and j knew I was going to die. I was deserted by my family members due to the burden I subjected to. I heard from my pastor Elias the God of my sister Ko Hsin chang, whose story and testimony touched me deeply when I watched her on Ndizi TV live thus year and also heard more testimonies about her through pastor Elias.

Your story has touched me deeply sister koHsin I pray you continue to change many lives through your story and boldness She changed my perspective and my two children are never going to orphans because I decided to face my fear and hiv now I told my pastor my story and I am willing to let pastor Elias to pass on my words and best wishes to minister koHsin which I hope she will consider to come to Kenya again

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Jennifer Akinyi from Kenya

I met Evangelist KoHsin Illingworth on Facebook and from there, we became friends since 2020 till date( 2023) I have known her all these years to be a real woman of God who is on unquenchable fire for our Lord Jesus Christ. I have read her testimony ( HIV to Christ).

I thank God for her life and for her ministry because her imparted many lives in Ghana even though she hasn't been in Ghana before.

I had the opportunity to read her book( Real mum, Real struggle, Real Love, Real Jesus) and later got the hard copy in hand. I'm proud to mention that my wife and I are the first couple to read the book in Ghana.

After reading the book with my wife in Ghana, the Lord blessed us with a beautiful girl. I think it was because we read of many mothers' stories in the book and heaven heard of their stories, the Lord blessed us with a beautiful girl.

We have about 16 regions in my country and about 4 regions have read this through the soft copy (PDF).

We love Evangelist KoHsin Illingworth for her:

  1. Dedication to the work of ministry
  2. Passion for what she's called to do
  3. Selfless heart towards everyone she comes across with
  4. Her tremendous vision to promote the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the whole world
  5. Her love for our Lord Jesus Christ.

May God bless her and add more days on earth for her. Thank you Jesus

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Pastor Charles (Ghana)

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