For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10

KoHsin Illingworth is the founder and director of Healing In Victory International, a Christian ministry that started in 2019 when Jesus Christ made a strong calling to KoHsin Illingworth, asking her to go out into the world to testify for His name.

God gave her the name Healing In Victory. She has used her testimony to share the hope found in Jesus around the world.

Healing In Victory Timeline for the Lord

Emmanuel Center in London
Emmanuel Center

KoHsin declared healing scriptures and prayed with people at the Emmanuel Center in London.

March For Jesus 2024

KoHsin waved a 'Jesus is Lord' flag and declared healing scriptures during the March for Jesus 2024.

Bible Class

Speaking online to Pakistani school children and using the Bible class to bring words of encouragement to them.

Huddersfield Mission Church

KoHsin speaks at Huddersfield Mission church and prays for many Chinese people.

Huddersfield Mission Church

Wonderful meeting with ministers and fellowship at Huddersfield Chinese Church.

Online Event

Doing Facebook Live Ministry, sharing faith online.

Stafford Baptist Church

KoHsin Illingworth giving her testimony at Sandon Road Baptist Church, Stafford. She testified in Mandarin, and two Chinese people committed their lives to Jesus.!!

Chinese Church

Praying for Chinese people Chinese New Year service in Liverpool.

Printing Testimony

KoHsin's testimony from HIV to Christ translated into Swahili and printed distributed in Kenya.

Pneuma TV

KoHsin's shares the gospel online via Pneuma TV with Indian evangelist VJ Paul.

Romanian Church

Sharing my testimony in a Romanian church through the interpreter in Bradford.

Chichewa Translation

KoHsin's testimony has been translated into the Chichewa language, and through Bishop Moses, the Chichewa version has reached the nation of Malawi.

Kenya Church in Kisumu

KoHsin was speaking powerfully, encouraging hundreds of people living with AIDS at a Kenyan church in Kisumu.

Kenya Mission Trip

KoHsin and Melanie flew to Kenya for a mission trip, and the leadership team came to pray with us.

Pneuma Tv

KoHsin's shares the gospel online via Pneuma TV with Indian evangelist VJ Paul.

Paam TV

KoHsin shared her testimony on Paam Tv.


KoHsin is wearing her own Healed In Victory merchandise.


KoHsin is wearing merchandise that declares Jesus matters.

Bradford University

KoHsin shares and ministers at Bradford University Union meeting.

Pakistan TV

Through Zoom, KoHsin went on Six One One TV in Karachi, Pakistan to a live, nationwide broadcast.

Zoom Testimony

Meeting to share testimony report.

Eternal Life ministries international

KoHsin speaks with boldness at Eternal Life Ministries Mnternational Church London, England.

Chinese Church

KoHsin speaks at Doncaster Christian Chinese Church and prays for many Chinese people.

The Ark Centre

Speaking and ministering at the Ark Family Centre in Leeds, England.

Praise God

Bernice from Ghana read KoHsin's testimonial booklet through a friend. After believing what God did for her, she was healed from her seven-month menstrual flow. All glory be to God Almighty.

All Nations Hub

Speaking at All Nations Hub Liverpool church Mandarin Service.

Healed In Victory Flag

Healed In Victory ministry flag is waved as we declare the gospel.

Chinese Church

KoHsin is praying for the Chinese community, praying for the sick people to come for prayer.

Testimony Printed

KoHsin's testimony, in both English and Swahili versions, is effectively, wonderfully written, printed, and distributed to many churches in Kenya.

Translated to Urdu

KoHsin’s book Real Mums, Real Struggles, Real Love, Real Jesus has been translated into Urdu and distributed in Lahore, Pakistan.

Real Mums, Real Struggles, Real Love, Real Jesus

KoHsin’s New book, “Real Mums, Real Struggles, Real Love, Real Jesus” was launched at Acts Church; the book has touched many lives.

Online Testimony

Speaking online through Zoom at God Church International, Pakistan

Share Testimony Instagram Live

Doing Instagram Live sharing testimony and faith praying online.

Urdu Translation

Thank the Lord that He made it possible to have the Urdu Version of my spiritual daughter KoHsin Illingworth’s book. Today we prayed in unity with her Pastor Lily from the UK. She is a great lady. God has blessed her. She also prayed for me and my fast recovery. Next month this book “Real Mums, Real Struggles, Real Love, Real Jesus” will be in the hands of the Pakistani nation.

God's Greater Works Ministry

KoHsin shared her testimony at God's Greater Works Ministry.


Healing In Victory organised a Walk For Jesus event in Bala, Wales, UK.

Online Testimony

KoHsin did a Zoom meeting preaching online in a Butere, Kenya church praying for Kenyans.


KoHsin shared her testimony at a Taiwan female prison accompanied by a Taiwan prison ministry team.

God TV

KoHsin and her family were invited to a Taiwanese Good TV studio for a tour and KoHsin recorded her testimony called “from HIV to Christ”, reaching 84,000 Chinese viewers around the world.

Miracle Baby Dedication

Dedication service for Hannah illingworth "My Miracle Baby"