I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens me
Philippians 4:13
Our New Book

KoHsin Illingworth
Real Mums, Real Struggles, Real Love, Real Jesus!
Be encouraged and inspired by the real stories and testimonies of mums who have found hope in Jesus Christ.
About the Book
Real Mums, Real Struggles, Real Love, Real Jesus is a collection of honest and authentic stories. Person by person, story by story.
This book reveals the hardships of motherhood and how Jesus intervened to help these mothers on their parenting journeys.
In the words of the author: “I received a vision from the Lord and decided to create this book by interviewing and reaching out to mothers from different nationalities. I pray that as a reader, you will be delivered and touched deeply—emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
You will know that you are not alone in your motherhood journey, and I pray that you will know that we have a heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, who loves you, cares for you, and gave you children knowing that you can do this through His strength.”
“KoHsin’s authenticity, boldness, and ability to speak truth and the gospel are gifts from Jesus. It’s evident in the fruit of her works in writing, testifying, and prayer.
Her dedication to writing this book to reach mothers out there and opening her heart to hearing the stories of mothers is admirable. This book will bring so much healing and will minister to many women around the globe.” Annie Galloway
“I want to tell you that you didn’t pick up this book by accident. I believe this is a divine appointment for you to read this book.
The stories in this book clearly show the faithfulness of our loving Heavenly Father.” Kat Crawford
Profits from this book will help this ministry share the Gospel worldwide through KoHsin's powerful testimony.
The impact of this book goes worldwide
Powerfully translated into many languages
This book has miraculously, by God’s grace, been translated into 5 languages. It has achieved global reach.
- English: Distributed in the USA, Canada, and the UK
- Polish: Distributed in the Polish community
- Swahili: Distributed in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, and Tanzania
- Urdu: Distributed in Pakistan
- Mandarin: Reached Chinese churches across the UK and distributed in Taiwan and China
Wonderful feedbacks From Kenya
The book “Real Mums, Real Struggles, Real Love, Real Jesus” was translated from English to Swahili in 2023 through the hard work of Stephen, a Kenyan pastor.
After its completion, missionary KoHsin invested in printing many copies. The Lord performed wonderful miracles, leading KoHsin to travel to Kenya to preach the Gospel.
Witnessing this book being read by many people in Kenya, I was amazed. It’s already located in Bible colleges, read by all students and churches for ordinary people to read.
Even people reading this book under open-air gatherings under trees have received encouragement and healing through the powerful testimonies inside.
Pastor Stephen told me that the book has reached across the board, and the book file has reached Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and other African nations.
We’ve received wonderful feedback as this book is powerful in touching people’s lives and impacting women across the board.
African male pastors told me that after reading this book, they understand how to show more respect to their wives, which is amazing itself.
The Lord is using this book for His people in Kenya.
Pakistan women receive their faith and healing through this book.
Bishop Dr. Majeed Naz Ashiq is the Founder Chairman of Biblical Truth Evangelical Churches (BTEC).
Under his leadership and knowledge, great work has been done. This book was translated from English to Urdu in Pakistan.
KoHsin invested money towards printing this book, and Bishop Majeed and other pastors distributed it in many areas of Lahore across the region, allowing people young and old, especially Pakistani women, to read it.
We have seen many Pakistanis who have received encouragement, accepted Jesus Christ, and strengthened their Christian faith in Jesus Christ.
We bless the Lord and give God all the glory. This book has reached people around the world across many different nations.