And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony

Revelation 12:11

healing in victory can partner with your Ministry

Healing In Victory International started in 2019 when Jesus Christ made a strong calling to KoHsin Illingworth, asking her to go out into the world to testify for His name.

KoHsin’s powerful healing testimony can help set people free and show them the healing power of Jesus Christ.

book koHsin illingworth - guest speaker

KoHsin Illingworth can share her powerful healing testimony, followed by prayer for healing and deliverance, both online and in person.

Misson trip

The Lord is calling Healed In Victory to preach to the nations, using KoHsin’s powerful healing testimony to set them free and lead them to Jesus.

Printing Kohsins Healing Testimony

We want to partner with your ministry to print KoHsin’s powerful healing testimony.


Through different translations, it can reach many people around the globe.


This testimony is used as an educational and evangelical tool, spreading the hope of Jesus Christ.

Partner with us

There are many ways we can come together to support God’s work. Please contact us below  to see how we can partner with you.

We Need Your Help

All donations small or large
help us translate and print KoHsin’s testimony into many new nations.