We want to help vulnerable communities

by sharing the Good News of the Gospel.

You can reach the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ by equipping Healing in Victory with resources. This allows us to share the hope found in Jesus Christ.

How your donations Help

KoHsin's powerful healing testimony

Healing in Victory works hard to connect with pastors around the world, using KoHsin’s life story, From HIV to Christ, to tell the public about Jesus Christ. By God’s grace, it has been translated into 7 new languages in different nations. 

Languages KoHsin's Testimony is Available In:

This healing testimony describes the trauma of rape resulting in HIV and how Jesus healed her through the power of forgiveness and deliverance.

Her story touches people’s hearts and impacts so many lives around the world.

Because of how powerfully Jesus moved in KoHsin’s life, many people find faith and receive emotional, spiritual, and physical healing through her testimony and prayers.

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